Smart Board

My gut flipped. I stared confused at the kid because of his actions. My brain’s gears turn at the speed of light I yelled at the top of my lungs “STOP!” All heads in the class turned and stared at me confused. I blushed then wondered what I’d done wrong. The boy started to speak. “Don’t worry the marker is supposed to write on the board,” then he picked up the colorful red pen and touched it to the board. He moved his hand leaving a red line behind the marker and quickly answered the math problem stuck to the board by the projected light. All of a sudden my brain slowed down and understood what had happened. The class laughed so loud I bet we disturbed the neighboring one. I laughed to. The teacher ms. Peterson even laughed. I swear I will never forget the day the smart board outsmarted me.


  • I love the ending because it’s catchy and goes with the main idea of the story. I really like how you started it also. My gut flipped it shows a little bit of fear and it caught my attention. I also like how you described the pen as colorful and not just saying the pen.

  • I’ve done something similar. I accidentally wrote on the smart board with an expo marker, I thought it was a white board! I had to spend lunch scrubbing a smart board.

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