Halloween Front Porch

I looked up and saw the cauldron full of candy. I took a step up the porch, and my foot landed on a pad that activated a mechanism. All of a sudden a hand reached out from under a bush and nudged my shoe, then bats on zip lines flew over my head. The full moon shone overhead, clouds drifting past it in the cold autumn wind. A still figure sat at the top of the stairs. I walked up to the top. I grabbed some candy just as the monster yelled BOO! The sweet tarts in my hand flew out as I stampeded down the driveway. I have visited that house every Halloween after that.


The rain fell from the dark grey clouds hammering against the pavement outside my window. I looked up from my iPad to see the garage getting flooded with muddy brown water, and I thought of the work my dad would later give me and my brother to clean up the mess. The leaves and acorns on the porch, the mud in the garage, the rocks on the driveway, and the dirt that spills from our yard onto the patio.

Wisdom Comes From Mistakes

The first time I made a model car it was a disaster, but the second time it went alright I mean the wheels couldn’t go on, but the engine looked great. I still haven’t finished it. I haven’t even painted the body yet. I even painted the seat belts a different color from the rest of the seat. At the moment I am working on the cars body.

The Giver: Jonas In Real Life

I think Jonas would be an artist or an inventor. He would be a good artist because his memories are very vivid and he could recall them easily to paint. I also think he would be an exceptional inventor because he has the capacity to see beyond, and he can remember things from the past and use the information to create new equipment for more efficient work, or activity.he would also process new information very well.

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