Why Karma Is Good/Bad
What would happen if good and bad karma really existed, we’ll I’m about to explain what would happen. There would be two sides the good side and the bad side. I will now explain them.
We’ll start with the good stuff. First off anyone who did something good will always get something in return. If you simply pick up one lousy pencil for someone anything could happen. You could be walking down a sidewalk and come across a twenty dollar bill lying in the road drainage. Karma also supposedly works like this. The reward will be as great as the deed performed, so if you just picked up a pencil you wouldn’t get anything that great. However if you did something so good the little fairy from Pinocchio comes round and shortens your nose. Then something good will happen. The thing is I can’t explain what would happen because nothing so great has ever happened to me.
There is also a bad side. It would be a not-very-good thing. Say you decide to steal the pencil instead. You might be walking down the road towards Starbucks to buy a cup of coffee, but on the way you trip and fall dropping the twenty dollar bill you were going to use down the drain. Now your probably thinking about what would happen if you did something really bad, like really really bad. I honestly have no clue there more than a million different consequences for a bad action.
As you can see from this post you might want to hope karma exists or you might not. Your choice just make sure you pick wisely.